14.05.2008 ob 19:00, Kiberpipa, Ljubljana
For too long typographic style has been overlooked on the Web. This session will show how new technology demands that websites receive the refinement that has been applied in print for centuries, and demonstrate how to implement typographic principles on the Web. It will explain how everyone involved in a website can and should take typography to heart, and provide discussion with a call-to-action for the future of web typography.
Richard Rutter is a web designer and writer living in Brighton, England. With over ten year’s experience in the industry he specialises in user-centered design with a particular emphasis on accessibility and web standards. Richard is co-founder and Production Director of Clearleft user experience consultants based in Brighton. Richard massages his ego at Clagnut where he witters on about web design, mountain biking and typography. Frustrated by too many hyphens and not enough dashes, he created the Elements of Typographic Style Applied to the Web, a web site with the grandiose aim of allaying the myths surrounding typography on the web and pushing a few boundaries to create websites of real typographical worth. It is a work in progress.
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Slides: http://webtypography.net/talks/spletne-urice